Made a trip to Montebellosenteret - a support center for people going through oncohematological diseases in Norway"

Last week, a team from our center visited Montebellosenteret, which is located in beautiful Norway, near Lillehammer. Montebello is a center for training, psychological and adaptation support for people who have passed or are passing through oncohematological diseases. Established 30 years ago, the center continues to develop to this day to offer the best of what is known for its high standard of Scandinavian social services. The purpose of the visit was to exchange experience*. Our wonderful hosts were incredibly kind, telling us in detail what they do, then walking us through the center itself to see and experience it first hand. We gathered a lot of inspiration and we are going home with thousands of ideas that we will soon start implementing here as well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we look forward to seeing you in Bulgaria soon! ❤️🙏
Vennlig hilsen!
Travel funds are provided under project №BGLD-1.004-0001
Recovery center for children with oncohematological diseases" under the Program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", financed by the EEA FM 2014-2021. with the beneficiary Municipality of Kostinbrod
подобрено включване на уязвими групи“, финансиран от ФМ на ЕИП 2014-2021г. с бенефициент Община Костинброд

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