Activities in the Recovery Center in the month of April

Art therapy is a major part of the work of the Recovery Center. It is a way of expressing specific emotional or physical states, which has a positive influence on personal growth and development. Art activities improve fine motor skills, develop problem solving skills, encourage self-expression, develop imagination and creativity.

The month of April was filled with many art studios dedicated to spring and the brightest holiday - Easter. A special guest of the center was Gergana Mihova - head of the "Decorative and Applied Art" school at the Center for Personal and Creative Development of Children of Blagoevgrad. Under her expert guidance, the children learned a new technique for painting wax on eggs, made wonderful baskets to put them in, made magical crepe paper roses and colored ceramic bunnies and eggs for the holiday. ководител на школа „Декоративно-приложно изкуство“ към Център за личностно и творческо развитие на децата на Благоевград. Под нейното вещо ръководство децата научиха нова техника за рисуване с восък върху яйца, направиха си чудни кошнички, в които да ги сложат, изработиха вълшебни рози от креп хартия и си оцветиха керамични зайчета и яйца за празника.





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