Today, October 14, at 10.30 am in the administrative building of the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematological Diseases, Opitsvet village, the second press conference was held under the project BGLD-1.004-0001 "Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematological Diseases" implemented by Kostinbrod Municipality under a grant agreement № BGLD-1.004-0001-C01, under the Program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.
With a short introductory speech, the press conference was opened by Mr. Al. Nenov - Deputy Mayor of Kostinbrod Municipality with a portfolio of social and humanitarian activities. He greeted the guests of the event and thanked the hosts in the person of the Association of Children with Oncohematological Diseases - contractor of the project - for the opportunity to once again get acquainted on the spot with what has been achieved so far. Mr. Nenov stressed the exceptional importance of this type of activity - innovative for the whole of Bulgaria and for Southeast Europe - and outlined the upcoming steps in its establishment and development, as well as in its inclusion in the wide range of social services provided in the municipality. Kostinbrod.
The manager of the center Mrs. Petya Alexandrova with the help of a meaningful presentation acquainted the participants in the event with the results of providing the service for the past one year since the start of the project. She presented the achieved results with an emphasis on the application of adequate and timely care to prevent the social, psychological and emotional risks that the disease and treatment carry for children and their families and relatives.
Ms. Alexandrova drew attention to the main points in the advocacy strategy and methodology developed and implemented in practice, as well as to the programs for working with children and teenagers with oncohematological diseases, their families, siblings. The adopted strategy aims to protect the rights of children with oncohematological diseases, support and ensure social adaptation during treatment and thereafter, resocialization and reintegration of children and their families. The main means to achieve these goals is the development of adequate social skills in children and their immediate environment in an environment as close as possible to the family.
The areas of support, the target groups, the content of the individual work programs, the activities provided by the Center - art workshops, group psychotherapy, outdoor walks, bike rides, boat trips in the nearby dam, games in the indoor and heated pool, culinary were presented in detail.
The center's services have so far been used by a total of 32 families, some of them more than once, 15 teenagers and 21 siblings of children in the process of recovery. According to surveys, consumer satisfaction is 100% positive.
On behalf of the Association of Children with Oncohematological Diseases, Ms. Margarita Borisova - coordinator of the Center - thanked for the adequate and timely support provided by the Municipality of Kostinbrod and expressed confidence in the continuation of productive cooperation in the future.
The event was attended by Ms. Anelia Veleva - Municipal Councilor in Kostinbrod Municipality, Ms. Hristina Ocetova - Director of the Regional Directorate of Social Assistance Sofia District, Ms. Galina Stoichkova - Director of the Social Assistance Directorate - Kostinbrod, guests and 4 employees of Kostinbrod municipality.