In compliance with the requirements for the implementation of a contract for the implementation of the activity "Staff training" of the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematological Diseases. On February 18, 2021, the first upgrading training was held. In the pre-prepared program the main topic is related to the consideration of the already applied in the provision of the service strategy, methodology and programs for work with children and their families.
Leading lecturer of the training is Mrs. Nadezhda Mileva. The main goal of the training is to upgrade the knowledge and skills related to the application of the methodology and programs for work in the Rehabilitation Center. An additional goal is the formation of skills for working with the regulatory framework and the applicable documentation for each individual user of the service provided.
Content training includes introduction of the participants; discussion of the rules for group work; sharing expectations and concerns; review of legislation in the field of social services and child protection; case management: main phases, consideration of documents on a case-by-case basis; sharing impressions and opinions from the process of working with users; team work - establishing and strengthening relationships, documentation, accountability, partnership in work. At the end of the training a final discussion was held.
The training was based on methods that stimulate a high degree of team participation - discussion, "brainstorming", role-playing games, working in small groups, solving cases. For the purposes of the training, the participants were acquainted with the basic rules governing the process of providing social services, as well as with the specific case management documentation. The participants also discussed the main directions of the service operation - target groups, administrative mechanism, working methods and so on.
The members of the team of the Rehabilitation Center took an active part in the discussions on the set topics.