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13 families have already used the services of the Recovery Center

Despite the complicated epidemic situation, the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematological Diseases has been functioning since its opening, and already 13 families have benefited from the services provided in it.

Visitors - children, their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents benefited from the services of the center for a period of three to seven days, and the total stay so far is 155 days.

The provision of funds for the full functioning of the rehabilitation center for a period of two years, starting from July 15, 2020, is under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 – 2021.

During the work, the team's efforts are focused on activities in which each member of the family feels full, in order to establish a positive attitude and attitude to success. For this purpose, specially developed programs for working with families, for working with children, for working with siblings of a child with oncohematological disease and for working with families who have lost a child in the fight against cancer are applied.

It is important in the work of the specialists working in the center to give space to the users of the service to talk about their own experiences, to get rid of emotional blockages and negative feelings such as guilt, anger and shame, to leave with more faith and hope.

Going through various, specially designed support plans for them, including individual and group psychological work, art and recreational therapy, nature walks and use of the indoor pool, users express 100% satisfaction with their stay and express a desire to repeat it.

The total number of children with oncohematological diseases who have used the services of the center so far is 9. The total number of members of their families is 24, of which brothers and sisters - 7, mothers and fathers - 15, grandparents - 2.

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