Activity 1: Forming a project management team.
- Contracts for the positions of Head, Coordinator, Technical Assistant and Accountant;
- Approved and scheduled job descriptions for each position.
Activity 2: Study of good practices and exchange of experience with rehabilitation centers for children with various diseases, including cancer, in Norway and Italy.
Stage 1 - team formed to organize and make two trips to the centers in Norway and Italy;
Stage 2 – a trip to Catosenteret Center in Norway;
Stage 3 - Dynamo Camp center trip. in Italy;
Stage 4 - Written report describing good practices and programs that can be used in the preparation of the strategy, methodology and programs for work at the center.
Activity 3: Elaboration of strategy, methodology and programs for the provision of the service "Rehabilitation center for children with onco-hematological diseases"
- Strategy developed and approved - 1 pc;
- Methodology for the service “Rehabilitation Center for Children with Onco-Hematological Diseases - 1 pc .;
- Program for work with children - 1pc;
- Program for work with teenagers - 1 pc;
- Program for work with the whole family - 1 pc;
- Program for work with brothers and sisters - 1 pc.
Activity 4: Staff Training - Initial and Upgrading.
- Four trainings of the persons employed for the implementation of the project activities for a period of 24 months were conducted - one introductory and three upgrading.
Activity 5: Provision of the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases service.
- Contracts were concluded with 21 persons for organizing, coordinating and providing the service;
- Concluded contract under the Public Procurement Act for the supply of foodstuffs;
- Successful implementation of the methodology and programs developed for the project to work with children and young people with oncohematologic diseases, with their parents / guardians and siblings.
Operating Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases, which:
- Provides an inclusive, welcoming and stimulating development environment conducive to improving the psychosocial status of children and their families;
- gives children the opportunity to have their own space, their own teases and their specific humor related to the different situations in which the disease has placed them. Close contact between cancer survivors carries extraordinary charge and recharges them with positive energy;
- provides assistance to overcome the effects of drastic detachment during treatment;
- provides assistance to cope with physical disabilities, late effects of treatment, poor self-esteem and lack of self-esteem;
- provides active psychological support in order to generate resources to cope with day-to-day social challenges and relieve accumulated stress and tension;
- provides back-up assistance.
As a result, healthy, happy and motivated children who have won the most important battle - the battle of their lives!
Activity 6: Publicity and awareness
- Осъществени четири конференции;
- Website working;
- Разпечатани 6000 листовки;
- Prepared and placed information board;
- Шест публикации в медии.
Activity 7: Audit of the project "Recovery Center for Children with Onco-Hematological Diseases"
- сключен договор с фирма за одит на проекта – 2 бр.;
- mid-term project audit reports prepared;
- Final audit report on the project prepared;